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Assembly Source File
292 lines
comment *
Author: Yousuf J. Khan
Purpose: A TSR which will detect if a diskette has been changed,
even if that drive's diskette change detection line is out of
commission. Normally only used by 5.25" HD drives which have
trouble recognizing a different density diskette.
.model tiny
bds segment at 40h
comment {
The BIOS Data Segment, segment 40h. All diskette related status
bytes are listed below.
org 3Eh
disk_recal_stat db ? ;diskette recalibrate status
disk_motor_stat db ? ;diskette motor status
motor_timeout db ? ;diskette motor turn-off timeout count
last_op db ? ;last operation's error message
statcombytes db 7 dup(?);status and command bytes
org 8Bh
media_control db ? ;diskette media control byte
org 8Fh
ctrlr_info db ? ;diskette controller info
drive0 db ? ;diskette 0 (A:) media state
drive1 db ? ;diskette 1 (B:) media state
last_drive0 db ? ;prior diskette 0 media state
last_drive1 db ? ;prior diskette 1 media state
cur_trak0 db ? ;current track, drive 0
cur_trak1 db ? ;current track, drive 1
comment {
Look in the first byte of the first FCB field of PSP to get
drive letter. This field takes any command-line argument that
looks like a drive letter and converts it into an integer (eg.
1=A:, 2=B:, etc.).
org 5Ch
FCB db ? ;first FCB field of PSP
org 100h
jmp tsr_init ;jump to transient portion
comment {
Save data that is required for the resident portion of TSR here.
Any other data not required to be resident can go into regular
old '.data' segment.
old_vect dw ?,? ;address of previous level ISR
old_ax dw ?
old_bx dw ?
old_ds dw ?
old_es dw ?
old_si dw ?
comment {
When Int 13h called, can only assume CS:IP is saved therefore
must manually save all other segments and registers.
;let DS:=CS
push ds ;save DS to be restored upon exit
push ax
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax ;make DS equal to CS
pop ax
;See if an access was made to our diskette drive? If not, then
;let it pass through.
push dx
mov dh, [fcb]
dec dh ;BIOS_drive=FCB_drive-1
cmp dl, dh ;is it drive we're interested in?
pop dx
jne passthru ;not drive we're interested in
;See if an access to the read, write, or verify functions were
;made (ie. subfuncs 2 to 4)? If it was then intercept. Otherwise
;let it pass through.
cmp ah, 4
ja passthru ;greater than subfnct 4
cmp ah, 2
jb passthru ;less than subfnct 2
;save AX in case fnct has to be recalled
mov [old_ax], ax
;call old INT 13h:
;simulate an INT by pushing FLAGS before CALLing
call dword ptr [old_vect]
;If no errors were found, then there is no need to redo this
;function. Just jump to the end.
pushf ;save the flag for exit from ISR
jnc simulated_iret
comment {
If an "address mark not found" error (ie. error #2) was
returned, then modify various diskette parameters in BIOS data
segment byte and redo function again.
cmp ah, 2
jne simulated_iret ;it wasn't an error #2
popf ;pop exit ISR flag & discard
;ES:=BIOS Data Segment
int 3 ;debugger breakpoint
mov [old_bx], bx
mov [old_es], es
mov [old_si], si
mov bx, BDS
mov es, bx
assume es:BDS
;SI+BX will be equal to either 90h or 91h, the offset within the
;BIOS data segment for either the drive 0 or drive 1 media
;state. The FCB number determines whether we want drive 0 or 1.
xor bx, bx ;make sure BX is zero
mov si, offset ctrlr_info
mov bl, [fcb]
;To indicate an undetermined drive, set the proper media state
;byte to the value 2.
mov byte ptr es:[si][bx], 2
mov si, [old_si]
mov es, [old_es]
mov bx, [old_bx]
mov ax, [old_ax] ;restore AX before recalling function
;call old INT 13h:
;simulate an INT by pushing FLAGS before CALLing
call dword ptr [old_vect]
pushf ;save the flag for exit from ISR
; popf ;pop the flag for exit from ISR
; pop ds ;restore original DS
; retf 2 ;pop CS,IP, but discard saved entry flag
; BINGO! this should be an iret, the old flags never get popped
; from the stack. On my machine with DOS 5.0 and about 20 or so
; files on the floppy, it didnt give me any errors after 100 tries.
; Why? DOS resets the stack frame for each call, but for another
; parent it will cause a problem.
; when at 'retf 2' the stack looks like this:
; ss:[sp+00] = callers cs
; ss:[sp+02] = callers ip
; ss:[sp+04] = callers flags ( flags get pushed 1st with int instruction )
; What has been happening is that the flags being returned had the correct
; return codes, and we returned to the correct cs:ip, however the stack
; frame is off by one word on each call by not popping off the flags,
; thus screwing with the callers stack frame. That's why we do a pushf
; before a far call to the original interrupt vector. So, changing the
; flags is okay because for this interrupt it is the return code, however
; we must exit in a way to perserve/restore the callers stack frame.
; To do the least amount of changes to your code, try replacing with:
; simulated_iret:
pop ds ; pop saved flags into DS, DS is still stacked
push bp ; save BP, we need it as an index into the stack
mov bp,sp ; bp = stack pointer, so [bp+00] = old bp
mov [bp+08],ds ; edit return flags, cs=[sp+04] so flags=[sp+08]
pop bp ; restore original BP
pop ds ; restore original DS, now [sp+00] = cs
iret ; int return
; I compiled this as is, and ran it in a continous loop from a batch file
; for about 30 minutes with no errors. Now I have to go clean my floppy
; drive heads.
comment {
This is the transient portion of the TSR. It initializes the
resident portion by parsing the command-line, and revectoring
the interrupts. This entire portion will disappear after
CR_LF equ 13,10
copyright db "CHNGLINE (c) 1993, Yousuf J. Khan",cr_lf,"$"
installed db "installed",cr_lf,"$"
;write copyright message
mov ah, 9
mov dx, offset copyright
int 21h
;get command-line
cmp [fcb], 0 ;any command-line argument at all?
je install_error ; no arguments provided
cmp [fcb], 2 ;Drive A: or B:?
ja install_error ; not a floppy drive
;redirect interrupts
mov ax, 3513h
int 21h ;save old Int 13h vector
mov [old_vect], bx ;offset
mov [old_vect][2], es ;segment
push ds ;save current DS
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax ;DS := CS
mov dx, offset new_int13 ;DS:DX -> new Int 13h
mov ax, 2513h
int 21h ;set new Int 13h address
pop ds ;restore DS
;state that TSR has been successfully installed
mov ah, 9
mov dx, offset installed
int 21h
;start making resident
mov dx, offset tsr_init ;# of bytes to keep res
mov cl, 4
sar dx, cl ;convert bytes to paragraphs
inc dx ;add 1
mov ax, 3100h
int 21h ;term & stay res
comment {
If any errors were detected during initialization process then
abort operation.
errmsg db "Syntax:",CR_LF,"CHNGLINE {drive}",10,CR_LF
db "Where {drive} can only be either A: or B:",CR_LF,"$"
mov ah, 9
mov dx, offset errmsg
int 21h
mov ax, 4C01h ;errorlevel = 1
int 21h ;terminate w/o resident